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10 Fun Indoor Activities to Pass the Time at Home

Kiersten, Auxiliar de Conversación enjoying the views

By Kiersten B., Auxiliar de Conversación in Murcia 19/20.

Did anyone see this coming? I definitely forgot to pack an in case of a pandemic emergency kit. When the Coronavirus was first discovered no one thought it would spread as fast as it did. People continued with their lives, drinking wine and eating paella. Then a few weeks later, Spain declared the state of emergency.

Many auxiliaries chose to go home and be with their families. While others, including myself, chose to stay, feeling secure in the support and care of friends, teachers, and ConversaSpain. It’s difficult knowing that my Spain adventure is on hold; yet, reassuring that inside is the safest thing for all. Many of us who are stuck in confinement may be feeling a little restless and bored, but I invite you to change your perspective and discover some fun indoor activities to do at home.


When I was younger, I had a diary that I filled with secrets and embarrassing thoughts. Now that I am older, I still keep a journal. Journaling has helped me to hold on to memories while traveling. It has also helped me to process uncomfortable emotions.

Do Video Call Parties

By now you’ve already video called every single person in your family. Well, let’s jazz it up a little. On your next video call try making an event. For example, my friends and I will do work out videos together or have virtual dance parties. Video calls can be like live events.

Try Different Types of Workouts

Exercise videos may already be a daily thing. With gyms being closed and us in proximity of our refrigerators, work out videos are helping us to keep off the “Quarantine 15”. To add to your playlist, try different types of workouts. If you enjoy HIIT style workouts, you can mix in some animal movement workouts. Online yoga classes can help you improve your flexibility and if you are too shy about stretching or trying something new, remember that no one can see you on an online class.

Reorganize and Minimalize

In this state of emergency, it can be normal to want to hold on to things and keep things. But this is the perfect opportunity to let go and get rid of unnecessary things.  Go through your closet and take out clothes you haven’t worn in a while. Reorganize your kitchen or desk drawer. This can be very helpful if you start to feel stressed because of the given situation. By reorganizing your space, you start to feel calm and in control.

Make Cooking an Event

You’ve tried cooking a few new Spanish dishes because you can’t go out to your favorite restaurant at the moment. But have you tried making cooking an event? I’m talking about theme nights tailored to your cooking. One night you can cook a hardy plate of Italian spaghetti and then watch an Italian movie like In the Name of Love. Another night you can put on some relaxing Japanese music, listening to the koto while you make your own sushi. If you make cooking an event you can feel as if you are traveling to another country when you’re right at home.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Even though this time may seem like an extended time off of work, it still can be a challenging and emotional time. Practicing mindfulness and meditation is a great way to cope with these challenges. If you’ve never tried mediation, YouTube many videos for beginners.

Take Up a Hobby You Have Never Done Before

Think of something you’ve told yourself you’re not so good at. This could be drawing, or singing, dancing, etc. Give it a try!

Online Courses

E-learning has changed the face of education. Skillshare and Coursera offer free courses. You can take lessons on Coding, Psychology, and even Spanish.

Teach Your Skills

Continue to teach. Is there a skill you are good at? Perhaps, you play the guitar, speak French or know how to crochet. This is an excellent time to teach what you know through video lessons. You can even create your own course on or start a Youtube channel.

Virtually Travel

We are all missing the ability to travel right now. Your computer screen can become a virtual portal to the world. You can visit the elephants of Thailand, catch a luau in Hawaii and do a virtual tour of a museum. You can even go camping in your living room: put up sheets and blankets, turn off the lights, light some candles and pretend you are at a camp site!

Lastly, for those like myself who are missing their students, you can virtually collaborate with your teachers. You can record video messages to your students, send emails and create PowerPoints. You can also use iSL Collective to add questions and text to your videos.

This pandemic is very unfortunate, but it’s important to remember the essential role we all play in staying inside. With fun indoor activities to pass the time, days will pass by faster and our lives will soon return to normal.

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