4 Destinations

in Spain

Select the region where you want to live

ConversaSpain Offers 4 Destinations in Spain

At ConversaSpain, you can be placed in the region of your choice:

We simplify the process of moving to Spain, connect you with fellow Auxiliaries de Conversación within your same region, and help you thrive in your destination. We’re here to make your Spanish adventure unforgettable!

What Are the Program Conditions for Teaching English in Spain?

At ConversaSpain, we help make your experience as an Auxiliar de Conversación easier and unique. The Regional Education Authority handles program conditions, where you’ll be placed, school matters, and the payments, which can vary by region:

Community of Madrid

  • 16 teaching hours per week
  • 4 days a week
  • €1,000 monthly stipend (tax-free)
  • Nursery, primary, and secondary schools
  • Placements in the capital city, its outskirts, and towns (pueblos)
  • 9 months (Oct-Jun),
    8 months (Nov-Jun),
    or 6 months (Jan-Jun)

Region of Murcia

  • 15 teaching hours per week
  • 4 days a week
  • €857 monthly stipend
  • Primary and secondary schools
  • Placements in the capital city, towns, and coastal villages (pueblos)
  • 8 months (Oct-May),
    7 months (Nov-May),
    or 5 months (Jan-May)

Community of Castilla-La Mancha

  • 14 teaching hours per week
  • 4 days a week
  • €800 monthly stipend (tax-free)
  • Primary and secondary schools
  • Placements in the capital cities, towns and villages (pueblos)
  • 8 months (Oct-May)
    or 5 months (Jan-May)

Community of Castilla y León

  • 14 teaching hours per week
  • 4 days a week
  • €800 monthly stipend (tax-free)
  • Primary and secondary schools
  • Placements in the capital cities, towns and villages (pueblos)
  • 8 months (Oct-May),
    7 months (Nov-May),
    or 5 months (Jan-May)

Which Destination to Choose in Spain?

Being an Auxiliar de Conversación with ConversaSpain not only gives you the opportunity to travel and enjoy yourself but also to gain teaching experience abroad! 

No one better to tell you about this than our auxis:


Megan Balestraci @meg_in_madrid


Kendall Ensing @kensing.espana


Emily Oberlender


Sara Tuzci

Destinations in Spain: Variety of Areas to Become an Auxiliar de Conversación


City Life Perks

Tons of leisure possibilities, international ambiance, and good transport connections. Living in a city allows you to enjoy the urban lifestyle, but accommodation and other expenses will be higher (especially in Madrid).

Outskirts Convenience

All the amenities within reach without the hectic city lifestyle and convenient transport options. If you choose to live in the outskirts, you will have the comfort of the city at an affordable cost.


Town Charm

Plenty of entertainment options, fresher air, and a friendly atmosphere. Living in a town will be cheaper than living in the city and its outskirts. Plus commuting time is drastically less!

Villages or Pueblos Friendliness

Nature’s closeness, everything within walking distance, and welcoming people. Pueblo life allows you to fully immerse in the Spanish lifestyle, and be surrounded by extremely friendly people. On top of this, accommodation and other expenses are cheap in pueblos!


Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Fill out the online Application Form to apply